Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sixth Grade Art

Sixth grade created colorful collages for the annual fundraiser, and then worked on their symmetry skills with a special Picasso portrait challenge. They had to draw the other half of one of Picasso's famous portraits. They all rose to the challenge!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Science Fair Topic Selection Due Date Extended

The science fair topic selection form due date has been extended for all students until Wednesday, September 22nd. Thank you!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Science - Science Fair Topic Selection Reminder

This is just a reminder that the science fair topic selection form is due on Monday, September 20th. Their homework for the past week has been to research and explore topics that may be of interest to them.

Sudents need to be able to answer "Yes" to all of the project checklist questions on their form. If they are unable to answer "Yes" to any of the questions then they may need to consider a different topic. Websites that may be helpful for them are listed on their topic selection form as well as in an earlier science blog. Most of these websites also have links to other resources that may be helpful to them in narrowing down their search.

Your student will be asking you to sign their form as well. Thank you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

6th Grade Math

Hello- We are finally in the full swing of math. We have kids working on three different levels of math during our class. The kids seem to have gotten the hang of the k12 program. I am very happy, for the most part, with the work I see and the attentiveness I see as they work through the lessons. Click the following link to see the kids in action!
6th Grade Online Math Class

Monday, September 13, 2010

Reading and Vocabulary Assignments

For parents' information:

Students received a syllabus outlining their reading and vocabulary assignments for One More River. They have also received a vocabulary list for the first few chapters of the book. Please ask your student to show you this information.

We will continue with regular Wordly Wise quizzes, but there will be words mixed in from the Reading Vocabulary. Students will know ahead of time which words to focus on.

Texas History -Brochure Project

Important dates to remember for the Brochure Project:
- 1st draft of text due this Friday, Sept. 17
- Revised draft of text due next Wednesday, Sept. 22
- Pictures/captions and list of sources due Wednesday, Sept. 29
- FINAL DRAFT due: Wednesday, Oct. 6

We will be working on this in class, as well as in the Computer Lab. However, students WILL need to do some of their research and writing at home, too. The information packet is in their Texas History section of the binder, and they should have copied the above information from the board in class today.

Science - Science Fair Topic Selection

The season for science fair is upon us! Over the next few weeks, the students will be completing various aspects of the science fair process. The first step of the process, topic selection, was discussed today and students will be working on choosing just the right topics to investigate. Look for the "Science Fair Project" paper in the Science Fair section of their binder. It outlines the requirements for choosing a topic along with lists of categories, science fair dates and helpful websites to aid them in their selection process. We will be spending considerable time in the classroom working on this process as well.

Their homework for this week is simply to spend some time looking at the websites or other helpful information and choosing a topic that most interests them. Their topic selection form is due on Monday, September 20th.

The Eleanor Kolitz Academy Science Fair is scheduled for November 18, 2010. Each step of the project will be reviewed during class and due dates will be assigned for specific portions of the project. Due dates for each portion will be posted as they are given.

Some outstanding websites concerning science fair include:

Thank you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Book Reports

Students are expected to select books to read independently, and will complete at least one independent book report each quarter. Information on the requirements for the first quarter book report should be in your child’s Language Arts binder. This quarter, the books are “free choice,” meaning any type of book is acceptable, so long as it is age- and grade-level appropriate. All book reports include a written assignment and a creative component, similar to what was done for Summer Homework.

The due date for first quarter book reports is Monday, October 25th.

** Stay tuned: Information on One More River reading assignments and vocabulary will be added to the blog shortly!**

English Language Arts - Welcome!

Welcome to the MS Language Arts blog!

Now that the dust has settled from the start of the year, please check here regularly for information and updates regarding class assignments, policies, and news!

In 5th-8th grade, we have established a daily routine that includes reading, writing and practice in written conventions of language. Standard homework each week includes Wordly Wise/vocabulary practice and reading of both assigned and free-choice books.

Homework assignments are checked as part of a completion grade for each week. Daily classwork and quizzes are valued as "single grades" and tests and projects are valued as "double grades" when averaged. A separate grade is determined for conduct (behavior).

Students have received instructions as to how they should organize and keep the Language Arts section of their binder. A paper regarding this has gone home to be signed and returned by Tuesday, September 14.

Copies of this organizational information, and of the course information given to all MS Language Arts families at "Back to School Night" are available from Miss Planto via e-mail.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

In music we continued learning our Samba-style dance which contains 4 different dance steps. We also discussed the geography of Brazil, the history of the samba, and a little about the culture of Brazil. Ask your child to show you some of the dance steps.
We also practiced writing notes on the musical staff in preparation for a simple composition project which we will play on the hand chimes.

Science Updated 9/2/10

The sixth grade students will have their first test on Wednesday, September 8th over laboratory safety and metric measurement. They were given a test outline earlier this week that identifies the concepts they need to review. The outline should be in their binders behind the Vocabulary/Notes Tab. A class review will be held the day before the test during their class time. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.