Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Welcome back to Middle School Science!

The first few days of school have passed and classroom procedures, safety rules and basic laboratory policies have been reviewed. The students are now diligently working on reviewing the basics of the metric (SI) system of measurement and they will be using various laboratory tools to aid them as they continue their study. This nine weeks the focus will be on:
*Measurement and Lab Tools
*The Scientific Method
*Science Fair
*Work and Power

Each day they are writing their homework assignments in their agenda on the day they are due. Look for my "green" initials in their agenda by their homework.

The students have been doing a great job bringing their science textbook, science workbook, binder and agenda to class each day. They have set up three tabs for science in their binders. Look for their vocabulary/notes, labs/assignments and science fair information in each section of their binder.

It will be a great year in Science!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Notes from the Music Room

New to the music curriculum is the addition of a middle school musical revue on April 7, 2011. The revue is a collection of songs woven together with dialogue. All middle school students will learn the songs and choreography. Students will be able to audition for spoken parts and possibly solos. We will probably need a small technical crew as well. The set will be designed and created by Miss Bella and students in art classes. We will wear costumes instead of uniforms. I will try to keep our rehearsals limited to class/school time. Special parts will probably need after school rehearsals, and possibly a couple of dress rehearsals in the evening. In preparation for the choreography, we will be learning dance steps throughout the year. I am extremely excited about our new performance!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sixth Grade Art

Sixth grade followed in the time-honored tradition of artists such as Picasso by copying the work of Paul Klee and Henri Matisse. These two artists used distinctly different types of line. We are also exploring line as used by the artists of PreColumbian America.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Technology Class Homework Due 8/27

How terrific to see our returning 6th Graders in class today. In our first class we reviewed what makes a good password and made sure everyone could log in to our network and school email. 6th Graders got their own logins today. They will no longer all use the same login and password.

All 6th Graders should bring their flash drives to class next Friday (8/27). The flash drive (or usb) will be a tool in many of the classes this year. It's a great way to carry a project to and from school. I've assigned this as homework because I will be checking to make sure everyone has a flashdrive, it's labled and all know how to use their flash drive.

I look forward to a great year!

Gail Markson

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Judaic Studies-Rabbi Marrus' Class 6/19/10

Dear Parents,

Welcome to a new year. I'm very excited to teach your child and am looking forward to a successful year. As there are some students that find the Hebrew text difficult, I am including some links of where you would be able to purchase a book with English translation (books used in my class are Hebrew only).

If you child has difficulty with Hebrew reading and comprehension, please purchase the books. If however your child can read and understand the basic Hebrew I encourage you NOT to buy the English translation books as they will hinder the student's Hebrew skills.

click on links below

Navi: Prophets - Book of Yehoshua-Shoftim
Mishnah: Tractate Brachot -First Semester
Mishnah: Tractate Pesachim - Second Semester

Judaic Studies and Tefillot Tracks

Dear Families:

With all of the changes underfoot at the EKA and family responses not always being timely, we really have worked up to the minute on settling schedules and making decisions.

As we work through the schedule for the first week of school, we are seeing things that looked good on paper, not work out in the day-to-day. All of these items are being addressed, but it takes time. The students are still in their classes with the teachers that are going to teach them, but it may be that the times that they take each class may change.

After hearing from the majority of families, I have decided that for Judaic Studies, the students will take a Mishna / Navi class with Rabbi Marrus, a Chumash / Holiday class with Mr. Olitzki, and students requiring an Orthodox teacher for their studies, will take a the Chumash / Holiday class with Rabbi Levi Teldon. Tefillot classes will be tracked into Orthodox and Egalitarian with the choices made during the summer holding.

Please understand with the dual tracks and three grade levels having two classes, the schedule is complicated. We are working diligently to make right anything that appears to be off.

Thanks for your understanding and support.