Dear Families:
With all of the changes underfoot at the EKA and family responses not always being timely, we really have worked up to the minute on settling schedules and making decisions.
As we work through the schedule for the first week of school, we are seeing things that looked good on paper, not work out in the day-to-day. All of these items are being addressed, but it takes time. The students are still in their classes with the teachers that are going to teach them, but it may be that the times that they take each class may change.
After hearing from the majority of families, I have decided that for Judaic Studies, the students will take a Mishna / Navi class with Rabbi Marrus, a Chumash / Holiday class with Mr. Olitzki, and students requiring an Orthodox teacher for their studies, will take a the Chumash / Holiday class with Rabbi Levi Teldon. Tefillot classes will be tracked into Orthodox and Egalitarian with the choices made during the summer holding.
Please understand with the dual tracks and three grade levels having two classes, the schedule is complicated. We are working diligently to make right anything that appears to be off.
Thanks for your understanding and support.
14 years ago