Science fair topics have been selected and students are now working on their science fair research plans and background research papers. During their science class time this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, students will be given the opportunity to work on their projects in the computer lab. It would be helpful for students to bring their flash drives so they can save the information they complete at school.
The due date for both their research plan and research paper has been changed to Thursday, October 14th.
Students can find many helpful science fair project worksheets and examples at Just click on the "Science Fair Project Guide" on the left side of the screen under "Student Resources".
If students would like additional assistance they are welcome to come to the science lab during lunch or they may stay after school on any Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. If they are coming after school, they would need to bring a note from a parent granting them permission to stay. All students would need to be picked up by 4:15 p.m. from the front of the building.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
14 years ago